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Jesus and the first-century apostles never imagined that the sect of the Nazarenes would ever create a separate religion for themselves outside of Judaism. Jesus even says Himself that He came for the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 15:24), and that it would be wrong to give the children’s bread to the dogs (Matthew 15:26), meaning that it would be wrong to give the bread of the children of Israel (Himself) to the Gentiles. Gentiles don’t even enter the picture until after Jesus has already ascended into Heaven. Any gospel message that does not make Israel its focus does not share the same focus as our Master. Christianity started as a sect of Judaism and was always intended to be a sect under the bigger umbrella of Israel. That is why Paul describes Gentiles as being grafted in (Romans 11) and adopted (Ephesians 3:20). Grafted into which family tree and adopted into which family? God’s family. And His family is the nation of Israel. They were, are, and always will be His children. By faith in Messiah we are no longer foreigners and strangers as we were at Mt. Sinai, but instead brought near… the nation of Israel (Ephesians 2:19). That is also why in Acts 15 the laws for the Gentiles are listed with the conclusion… “for the Law of Moses is read in the synagogues every Sabbath.” The apostles assumed that Gentiles would be joining them in the synagogues and assimilating into the broader Jewish culture. In fact, the laws listed for Gentiles are purposefully designed to help that assimilation process. The day we divorced from our Jewish history is the day we started misunderstanding Scripture and its meaning, unfortunately, for thousands of years. In order to restore what’s been lost, we must realize our mistake and work towards opening our minds to relearn God’s plan for His people and the nations. We must repent and turn towards His Torah and stop abandoning it to make Israel jealous for Messiah! (Romans 11:14)

Christianity is a set of Judaism sticker


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