My prayer is that by now my goals have been accomplished. My first goal was to get as many women that I cared about and who were willing to start reading the Word from page 1 to see how it is a chronological story written out to us by the Lord that can’t be read only in sections but must be read in it’s entirety to gain its True understanding. My second goal was to get these women into reading the Word from page 1 to see that you don’t need any special training or trained person to help you understand its stories. The best source of understanding and wisdom is from the Holy Spirit Himself who will show you exactly what you need to see in each passage as best suited to the chapter of life in which you find yourself currently. He will continue to show more every time you read through the Bible until you reach your final sleep. I hope each of you realize that it’s not some drastic feat you must hurdle to read through the Bible but instead that it’s easy, relatable, and relationship-building to sit with your Maker daily and learn His ways for us all.
With that being said, fellowship also encourages us to live out Christ-centered lives, and provides for us a support system to lean upon when we are criticized by the world for taking up our crosses, which is to be expected more as we embody our Lord Jesus Christ more. Although I do not know personally any of the Christian authors that I have clung to these past months after setting aside my worldly ways for a more biblical path, just the reassurance that I am indeed not alone in my convictions and love for God has been a more-than-welcome comfort which I pray this forum also brings to you if you find yourself in a similar situation and unfamiliar with the other members.
Chapter 39 brings us back to Joseph’s journey... he was left in a pit, then sold for slavery, now we see things start to look up, and his master’s wife lies about him and gets him thrown in jail 🙈 What tough luck for him. However, whomever is the author of this book reaffirms to us that God is with Joseph. Regardless of all this hardship he’s faced, chapter 39 ends with ”the Lord made everything that he did successful.” Who else finished reading this chapter and thought to themselves, “So much for successful.... now he’s thrown in prison!” But this is just another reminder that if you’re staring at your pit, or your jail cell, or whatever block or hardship you’re facing right now in your personal life, that your focus should be redirected to the power of your God. He is with you. He’s still working in you. He is good and only good. He will deliver you, sister 🤍
Have a blessed Wednesday, y’all!
Yes we definitely see how faithful Joseph in this chapter! And no one can help but to submit to the Lord’s calling He puts on our hearts. I appreciate you! ...But Im just a servant ☺️
In chapter 39 I would have to agree it was nice to read that Joseph didn’t walk this journey alone. The Lord has a plan for Joseph and continues to be by his side through it all. I was also proud of Joseph when he did not cave into peer pressure and sleep with that women he stood true to him self.
I am also proud of you Sofia and how you are using your platform to spread the word of the gospel. ❤️