Good afternoon! I loved how chapter 22 is such a great reminder of a HUGE sacrifice that Abraham WOULDVE made to the Lord out of blind faithfulness to Him. God tested Abraham and it is important also for us to remember that God tests us to see if we will remain faithful to Him as well. There is no mention of Abrahams feelings after being told by god to sacrifice his now one and only son to the lord, just the fact that he woke up early in the morning to do it. Abraham is a good example for us to be deaf blind and dumb to the lord. We shouldn't listen to anything other than the lords word, shouldn't see anything evil and should be dumb to the world only following the leadership of the world and not constructing our own schemes or plans in mind. The lord will never let anything harm us if we are faithful to him, as shown in verse 12 where he protected Isaac and gave them a ram to offer for himself. Everything and anything "will be provided on the lords mountain." And not only provided for us.... but in verse 15 we see that the Lord is not only faithful to those who are faithful, but also those around those who are faithful. It gives him such pleasure to give to us that he not only gives us everything we may ever need but also those around us are blessed through our relationship with him. He freely gives to us and those around us because it brings Him so much joy to give to His children. "And all the nations of the earth will be blessed by your offspring because you have obeyed my command." (18)
I hope this brings you comfort and joy this Sunday