Good morning! I hope you get more rest this morning than I did after yesterday. The girls were up so early and I am TIRED. But it's also nice to be up early with the lord to be in his word and feel his presence before the rest of the world wakes up chapter 21 starts off with examplifying the lords faithfulness to us by giving Sarah the baby he promised, Isaac. The lord is always faithful to us, and out of our understanding of this faithfulness, we obey Him to show him our appreciation of His Grace as Abraham did in verse 5. It was the lords will for Ishmael to seperate from Isaac because he does not want His children mixed with the children of the enemy, but he promised to take care of them regardless of their relationship with Him. To us, that's hard to comprehend because why would we want to support children that are constantly doing the opposite of our will? It seems reckless. He is more faithful than any human could ever comprehend. Abraham displayed his obedience in verse 14 when he sent his son away despite it being "a very difficult thing for Abraham." The well in verse 19 that appeared and filled the water skin to give the boy a drink is Jesus. Abraham worshipped Yahweh at the end to display an example for us today and the last verse states that Abraham lived as a foreigner in the land for many days which is also examplifying how we are also living as foreigners in the world until we are called home with the lord. We don't belong here, the people don't understand our heavenly ways because they only know earthly ways, and we are suffering their wickedness until the day the Lord presents our promised land to us.
I hope you have an amazing and restful sabbath