So today's reading is chapter 19, which is where Sodom is destroyed by the lord... I thought it was important that lot and Abraham both showed their humility to the Lord by bowing with their face to the ground... I thought it was interesting Lot made him unleavened bread because I thought that only started after the exodus from egypt but I'm sure I'll learn more about it later in the reading... I can't believe the faithfulness of lot to the lord by offering his two virgin daughters for those angels. That was a great act of self sacrifice and love to the lord. Verse 12 and 15 are reminding us to Separate from this evil world and remove ourselves to live only with god. Verse 13 is the world's promise: "for we are about to destroy this place because the outcry against its people is so great before the lord, that the lord has sent us to destroy it." So it's important to do everything possible to live in full submission to the lord snd not to this world so that you don't get destroyed with the worlds people when the He returns. Verse 15, "at daybreak" the angels told them to get out so that they are not swept away in the punishment of the city... every morning we should be in prayer pleading for the lords help and making the conscious choice to take up our cross to live as Jesus so that we are not "swept away in punishment of the city." "But he hesitated" he didn't want to lose his life he had in Sodom... but "because of the lords compassion for him" he was saved. All people have sinned! But "because of the lords compassion" He saves. The lord is compassionate despite our disobedience. His wife looked back on her old life "and became a pillar of salt." Once you are saved, the old you is dead!!!! You are now alive through Christ who as resurrected you to live through His Spirit, not your own!!! Let what the lord has killed be dead, don't look back on that life! Or you will destroy yourself. Then in verse 30, lot lived in the mountains because he had the fear of god to separate himself and his family from the world after being saved. It's not what he wanted because he's sinful... but after being saved it's what the lord wanted for him and he submitted. Then the girls did a horrid thing by sleeping with their father and becoming pregnant by him and the two nations from this sin are the moabites and the ammonites.
Have a great Christmas Eve!!!!
"...and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21