Hagar was Sarai's Egyptian slave and they had already lived in the "promised land" 10 years with this promise that the Lord will give it to his descendants with no children born yet so then Saraí became impatient with the lord and sinned by trying to create her own plan of how this will work instead of faithfully relying on the lords plan to come to life... you can tell she sinned because the contempt between her and her slave is not the righteous will of god... notice the angel found the slave by a spring when she ran away... to me that is symbolizing Jesus because of where He states "all who come to me will never thirst again." My mission this time reading through is finding Jesus in ever verse from the beginning so it's been exciting for me to see Jesus throughout the whole OT this time. When the angel of the lord tells her she must go back and submit to the mistreatment that is the lords will for everyone being mistreated. If we are to truly live out the example of our savior who accepted spitting in the face and whips and thorns and slaps and other vulgar behavior meekly then we should also always be practicing being meek in the face of suffering and find joy in our afflictions because of the fact that we are receiving practice from the lord of how to be more like Him.
Notice how she also receives a promise from the lord as Abram was promised from Him as well. Her offspring will also be greatly multiplied and will be too many to count. These offspring are all born of a slave and will be enslaved to sin as she was. There are two promises we have just read: one was a promise of the lord's promised land with descendants too many to count (genesis 15:5), and the other from this chapter is a promise to a slave that she will also have descendants "too many to count." The former is a promise of the children of god while the latter is a promise of the children of the enemy, and the promise of the enemy's children "will be like a wild donkey. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand will be against him; he will live at odds with all his brothers."
Also notice at the end of the chapter she names the spring "A Well of the Living One Who Sees Me." Thats Jesus 🤩 I love finding Him in the OT it's like hidden treasure everywhere.