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Genesis 1

Writer's picture: SofiaSofia

Some notes I took was that “the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.” So in other words the trinity (father son and the Holy Spirit) is present from the very beginning meaning Jesus is here with his Father at the creation of it all. Then I noticed that God “separated the light from the darkness” twice in the chapter so I could tell how important it is to him that lightness be a separate entity from darkness in the world. I took notes on the fact that the first day was night and day, second was the sky, third was land seas and vegetation, fourth was the moon stars and the sun, 5th was the living creatures and the birds, and sixth was man. I was a little confused why it said he created them male and female if eve wasn’t made from his rib yet but I had to continue reading a little bit to understand that was just an introduction and that he got more in depth with the processes in the preceding chapters.

I love that we were made in gods image and that he is so relatable to us because of that and that we should love the way we look and never judge the ways others look because we are all created by his hands. And he made us to rule the fish birds livestock snd all creatures so we need not be afraid of them. His first command here is also to be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth and subdue it and to rule the creatures for food. It’s very interesting that the first thing he tells us to do is to have children together and that makes me happy.

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