Dear sister, the Lord is with the afflicted and the meek of the earth. Whatever you have faced, or are facing today, He will never forsake you, even when it seems like everyone else will. He hears our cries to Him. He knows our hearts. He has always been and will always be our salvation. He is the Creator of all things, working everything for good for His people. He is a faithful refuge for the saints in this dying world. Did you need theses reminders today? Do you know someone else who does? This year has already been hard from 2020 sharing its leftovers that we don’t want. Sickness and death have already taken its toll on our loved ones this year. We are praying for Keith and his family but there’s also so many more unfortunately. We know that it’s all a result of sin, and that when sin was first introduced into this world from the Fall of mankind, that we would have to suffer the consequences of being separated from God. We know that the penalty for sin is death but we also know that the Lord has come down Himself to take our place in death, dying for us and our sins, so that our souls no longer have to die but instead can live for eternity through Him as God first intended upon Creation. Therefore, since we are dead to our sin and alive through Christ, we live not in this flesh but in our Spirit, holding our heads above the pain and suffering of this world, removing its sting, and instead focusing solely on our journey Home. Maybe your friend who’s suffering from illness or a loved ones’ death needed to be reminded of this today. Maybe, you, yourself needed this reminder to pick yourself up from the mess you see around you to focus instead on your perfect God who will always hear your cries to Him. Do you have faith that the Lord will take you to be with Him forever and that all of this we’re experiencing now is only trivial until that day? Do you want to talk more about what Jesus did for you so that He could secure that place for you in His seat of glory out of His pure love for you? Feel free to chat with me to learn more about this awesome gift! Have a blessed day🤍
“And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.”
Revelation 5:8