Have you seen what He’s done to your “Egypt” and how He’s carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Himself? Let’s always remember our “Egypt” so that we are continuously reminded of His gift of grace in our lives. Do you remember what yours looked like? I remember being chained to the approval of others, to fear, and being a slave to a host of other lies from the enemy. However, even when I tried to conform to the “Egyptians” of today, the Lord still corrected me. He showed me the results of their choices and taught me how to avoid those consequences. Even when I chose to ignore Him and I turned into His complete enemy, He still fought for me to bring me back to Him. Why?! Why would the Lord of the universe care about little ole me? His love is incomprehensible to our evil nature. It seems downright reckless. We simply can not understand why we would be loved so much, so for so long we ignore His love and fight it off, turning to the things of this world that we can understand... our slavery, our chains, the “Egyptians.” Let’s be honest... we certainly don’t deserve this gift of love. But, He did it anyways because He made us and He takes care of us. So, we seek to do everything we can in order to glorify Him and worship His name for all He’s done. The Lord never once says “Listen to me because I’m God!” Every time, He first says “I am the Lord your God who has redeemed you.” Then, He says “therefore, follow my statues...” We don’t obey in order to try to “do good” to earn our spot for the Lord. He’s taken care of that first. Our spot has already been earned for us. Nothing we can ever do could ever amount to anything “good” compared to the greatness of our Lord. Doing it ourselves would be impossible and the Lord knew that... which is why He has given us this GIFT. Once we are able to comprehend the fact that we did nothing to earn the crown and throne of Christ who sits at His right hand and that God chose to gift it so graciously to us anyways out of His pure love for us, then we therefore choose to lay down our lives for Him because we realize we owe EVERYTHING to Him. Have you seen what He‘s done to your “Egypt” yet?
“Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.”
Romans 3:31