I hope you know today how the Lord has made a distinction between His children and the world. I hope you understand that He will always hold and protect His people. That doesn’t mean we’ll have an easy life here. He is with those who are not living for this world, but who are humbled and afflicted in this world. So, as we live for the Father and not this world, we then give up our lives here so that His miracles and signs may be seen. These people were enslaved for over 400 years so that we may have these signs written as promises for us today. The Lord does not work for our glory, but for His. But in the end, not even a hair on our head will be hurt. 🤍
“But not a hair of your head will perish.”
Luke 21:18
I know could you imagine “a darkness that could be felt.” 😬 scary. Definitely meant to help us fear the Lord so that we, the future generations, may obey Him. The children of the enemy who will experience His wrath on His day will experience that death and “there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,” but the children of the promise will be spared from it thank God 🙌🏻🤍
Amen sister❤️In Exodus chapter 11, it was unbelievable to read that even after the plague of death hovered over Egypt the Pharaoh’s heart was still hardened however I know it is because God isn’t done with him:
Exodus 11:5: “And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts.”
I don’t want to imagine how the people of this town felt witnessing the darkness and pain brought from this plague but I do know it was necessary in hopes that this would scare the Egyptians to allow Moses to tak…